(no subject)

Apr 11, 2006 21:46

today has been the craziest day ive had in awhile...

had SATs this morning and that was pretty cool. courtney tried to kill me but thats alright. me and heath and courtney got in a kick/slap/punch fight. we ended it finally though thank god. that hurt.

went to lunch early and sat across from the 7th graders i really dont like cause they were sitting at our table we sit at everyday. they finally left. yet another thank god moment

history was 30 minutes long, athletics i was lazy so i didnt do much. then i came home.

sat outside while ashley played, then started homwork. math and history.

talked to andrew and courtney and megan by text cause i was still doing homework.

finally gave up though. didnt really care.

tried to do something this weekend, but its already so packed with everything else i dont have time. it sucks though cause i kinda really wanted to.

courtney had to go
megan left
and andrew had to turn his phone off

so now im bored again and dont feel like watching tv.

the day was way crazier, but im so bored and tired right now i dont feel like putting the crazy twists in here for u to enjoy. 
maybe another time

goodnight all
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