(no subject)

Sep 24, 2008 00:58

haven't written in a long time.....but i saw this and loled, and had to share:


been busy with school and playing tf2 and i seem to be having difficulties sleeping. which is making going to class really fucking difficult. which is bad. i think i may have gone entirely nocturnal when i slept so much this weekend what with my cold...which i'm hopefully getting over. next week i have 3 exams. and then my mom's coming to visit. right when i could REALLY use a party, i get to hang out with the mother. lame. anywho....i could use some <3's. so please, feel free to leave some.

not sure if i ever updated and told you that me and craig broke up. right on the night before my birthday. just after i had gotten back into town. things have been rather awkward at the frat lately because of it. D:

heroes started last night, i went crazy with joy for it. can't wait til next week.

okay, really, gotta go study/do homework.... D:
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