...um there is none. fag.

May 16, 2004 14:46

Mmm, wow, it definitely hasn't been a while since I've written in here. Nope, no wayyyyy! haha- Yeah, I'm like MAD bored so I decided to update this mother trucker. All I've done today is talk to Paige about mad stuff and gone on the computer to listen to music. Rite now, it's A Perfect Circle - 3 Libras. Quite an interesting choice on my part because it's a depressing song, and uh, I'm not depressed. For once! I've actually had a great 2 weeks!:oD hah- Wanna hear about it? Offf course ya dooo!

Well, to start off, last Monday, I had my Confirmation and I was all prettied up! That had to be THE LONGEST mass in the ENTIRE world! lol- Oh well, what can I do, eh?! I had fun, to say the least. There was this chubby kid that came over and I think he's like "mentally challenged," to be politically correct, and he like kept whipping out his gameboy. Me, Jason, and everyone else were like mm wtf?! It was a smidge sketchy, but hey, it was funny. And dude, I can't forget to metion how there was food after! Can't forget the foooood!:oD

Hmm, then on Thursday nite, Paige made me ask Jason to the 9th grade semi-formal. It was funny because it was the 9th grade semi. And yeah. It was the next nite and it was SOOO mcuh funnn! We went to Cassie's prior to take pics. and everyone was all prettyyy! I love pictures. Well, not really, but I don't know, it was fun. Then we chilled a little there and we headed to the dance. Jay and Casey were excited to get to ride in Paige's Lexus. It was too funny. Yeah and at the dance, me and Paige and Casey and Jay hung together the whole nite. Lotsa danccingg went down. Ahhh great funnn! Gotta love the 9th grade dancesss!:oP

That next Monday we had a track meet at Burnt Hills or soemthing and me, Bonky, Tay, Court, Cass, and all of them went inside to meet some boys, like we always do, and there was this one REAL sketchy kid named Nick that kept stalking usss!:oX NOT GOOD! If he was hot, that would be one thing, but he wasnnn'ttt! lol- And I went to buy a water with quarters, and since BH is sooo ghetto, the machine ated my money! I WAS SOOO PISSED!!! I was losing everything that day. Yeah, real cute. Aside from all that, I ran pretty fucking shitty. But I don't care. It's not like I score anyyywayyyyy! lol

Then on Thursday, we had our last meet. It was JV Champs and it was home. Meaghan came to do a "documentary" thing for photo about track meets. And guess who was the center of her "documentary"? Yep, tha's rite... ME! The pics. actually turned out great. Wow I love Meaghan. Without her, West would suckkk! We have SO much fun togetherrr! She's soooo chodeyyyyy! I wuv hurrr! Anywaayyy... I ended up running the 1500 and guess what I got... TWENTY-TWO SECONDS FASTERRRR!! That would be a 6:03 1500! I was ECSTATICCC! I didn't wanna run it either! Wooot woot! Thank God I got that done! The meet ended up getting postponed 'til Monday 'cause there was lightning. SUCKS FOR THEMMM! I'm done with trackkk mannnn!:oD:oD

I went to practice after that meet. Yep, I'm dedicated. I did realllllly good too! Because of one of my nice thru-balls, my team didn't have to runnn! GOOO MEEE! lol- I ran sooo much! And me and Paige had a ballllllllllllllll! word.

Then yesterday was pretty, hmm, ordinary. Just another good ol' day at the love of my life, High School West. Cough, not, cough. Yeah... I got my interim grade in math aaand it's a 55. Yeah, pretty cool, pretty cool. I have to pass this quarter, otherwise, Rachel has summer school this summer!:oD YES! haha- I'm trying hard, I really am.O:o)

Last nite, I had Jay, Paige, and Casey Milsop over. It was a lotttt of funnn!:o) Casey ended up getting lost.I thought that was funny. Before Casey showed up, it was just the 3 of us and me and Jay were making fun of Paige and so she went to hide in the closet. I felt bad, but we WERE just joking. She knows shes the love of my lifeeee! Once Casey came, we just chilled on the futon-ny thing and watched Little Nicky. I kept almost dozing off on Jay, but I managed to stay awake. lol- He makes a greattt pillow!:oD I loveddd hanging out with them!! I think we're all chillin' next weekend too. I can't waitttt! Jay is mad cool and Paige and Casey are a riooottt! word.

And now, I'm just chillin' here, still. But I do have plans toooniiteee! I'm goin' over to Keri's in a little and it should be fun. I haven't chilled with her in a while. And oh boy! i just remembered it's prom for my brother tonite! I can't wait for prom next year! aha- it's gonna be greattttttttttt!:oD Alrite, I'm out. I'll try and write again laterrr tho!!! peaceee loviesss

"This is easy as lovers go
So don't complicate it by hesitating.
And this is wonderful as loving goes
This is tailor made;
What's the sense in waiting?"
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