Heyyyyyyyyy yaaaaaa

Apr 15, 2004 01:15

Oh geez, I feel like suchhh a slacker.:o\ I haven't written in this puppy for a few days now. I got pissed the other day (don't remember why) and just took it out all together. I'm a weird one... Buuuut anyhoo- I'm just chillin' here waiting for my mom so I can go get some applications for jobs and go de-whiten myself. I'm thinking of getting an application from Red Robin to be like a waitress or something. But ten bucks says that because I'm 15, they won't take me. Geez, can my 16th birthday come any frickin' SLOWER?! Grr... and I think I might get an application to PacSun. I hope I can work there. 1) I'd get discounts on shit and 2) I'd have a ball working with Lewy. Buttt we'll see how this all plays house.
Last niteeee I went to Kewi's house!:oD I had such a lovely time. We went shopping in her closet again. I got some tops. It was nice! haha- Keri was, interesting last nite. But I shouldn't be talking. I was OFF THE WALLLL! I haven't a clue what it was that was making me sooo friggin' hyper! lol- It was funny because me and Keri musta burped like 10 times each last nite. Everytime I would, Keri would PEEEE her pants. She's a nut I tell you. But on the serious side, we talked about how gay people are that say they're your friend and end up screwing you over. Yeah. That happens a lot. Esp. with a lot of these stuck up bitches at Shen. But hey, what can they do?!
On a lighter note, my Steffie-nee FINALLLLLY came home!!!:oD WOOT WOOT! I saw her online and I like flipped! I was sooo happy! I've missed her sooo. We're gonna chill maddd soon 'cause I havent seen her in a long time. Well, like a week, but that's just tooo longg man! lol- I called her and we talked this morning and it was cool! Oh how I loves my Stefanie!!!! haha-
Alrite, this is getting a smidge long and I have to finish getting readyyyy mannn. I heart you much!:oP

I dig my toes into the sand
The ocean looks like a thousand diamonds strewn across a blue blanket
I lean against the wind
Pretend that I am w e i g h t l e s s
And in this moment I am happy... happy
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