Holy Heck, Batman

Nov 04, 2012 23:08

My parents were just informed by Con-Ed (their power company) today that their electric won't be back anywhere from 1 week to 1 month from now. Yes, you read that right, 1 MONTH. The problem with electric being out is your boiler won't work, which means not only no power but no heat, and then you need to worry about your pipes freezing, it is not a happy thing. Mom said the house is down to 45 now. To be honest, Mom of course has not been staying in the house much but has been staying with me. My Dad finally abandoned the house on Saturday and is staying with his sister. The cats have fur coats and will be OK. I'm glad I can help my Mom out, but if it seriously might be a month this leaves us with a lot to think about because well a month is a looooooong time and I live about 1 hour from my mom's office. The only way to get there is by car since our nearest train doesn't connect to their train line. To make things more fun, we're moving in 2 weeks! Now we're not moving far, our new house is only about 3 miles from our current place, but we still need to get things together.

So for me, I wanted a list so I can help sort through everything..

Must Be Done Before We Move

1) Get a ceiling light in Master bedroom (D'OH! ) Also check if permit is needed
2) Get House painted
3) Attic Insulation project
4) Light replacement project
5) Packing
6) Check with LaTi and change address with them and other places
7) Carpets?
8) Order Washer and Dryer

Must Be Done Before Spring
1) Get permit for 8 foot fence to keep out deer
2) Get permit to put in patio
3) plan garden/locations for garden/fruit trees
4) measure out septic field
5) clean that one brushy area I hate
6) Figure out hot water so we don't need oil in the Summer (UGH!)
7) re-key lock

Future Improvements/nebulous things to do

1) replace windows in lower level
2) replace sliding door in lower level
3) insulate better and finish lower level
4) resurface driveway
5) more furniture (couches, particularly a pull out one.. new bedframe for us...)
6) Add some hooks to the wall to hold purses and coats other than in closet
7) get rid of stuff we do not want
8) Hot tub (with requisite permit!)
9) Curtains
10) possible grill for Summer?
11) Root cellar?
12) get rid of north facing windows in bedroom and build a huge walk in closet

real life, lists

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