I wanted to make a happy post

Mar 16, 2011 00:59

I wanted to make a happy post about my baby. How she is sleeping well, babbling more and starting the process of being able to sit up alone. All these things are exciting and happy. I've started going out more and taking her to Mommy and Baby things so that I'm meeting more moms. And if we ever move and I can make my home look presentable I can actually invite them over and have moms to hang out with. I wanted to share how I managed to not gain weight this time in Walt Disney World, and while I'm nowhere close to my pre-pregnancy weight, I've managed to lose/hold steady and I am determined by the time she is 1 to have lost another 20-25 lbs and be thinner then I was pre-pregnancy.

And then Thursday night while I was half asleep, my husband woke me when he was going to bed to tell me there was an earthquake in Japan and since then I've been going around in a daze and watching new reports non-stop. I was relieved to know that everyone I knew in Japan was all right, including my doujinshika acquaintance living in Miyagi-ken south of Sendai. But the devastation is just painful. The US news stations haven't shown it, but I am scared to think about what Matsushima looks like. I wonder about the islands in the bay and the bridges. I wonder about the cheerful old man who worked for the boat company and showed us how the seagulls would come and pull a french fry from his mouth. Before I gave birth to Adina and in that first month, I played with the idea of going to Japan in March. I wanted to be there for Haru to either try one last time to sell doujinshi or to at the very least see my friends again and share my baby. But as Adina grew, I realized it wouldn't quite work out and the weather in Japan in March can be so changeable. I then dreamed of going back to Japan for Golden Week and this time sharing with my husband Tohoku. With the new shinkansen extension, we could easily visit Hirosaki for sakura and I could share with him all the hikes and beauty of Tohoku and he would love it. I would visit Sendai and see the temple I didn't make it to and go to Yamadera as well. I would go back to Matsushima to explore that island I just did not have time to visit. And I would look into interesting onsen to visit in the area. But after my January trip to Disney, I just knew that wasn't feasible. I couldn't easily pump my 4x a day and I wasn't sure how Adina would deal, and so Japan plans were put off until after her birthday. And now... who knows how long. It's not that I don't want to go back, but I also don't want to be in the way. And with a baby in tow I will need to know that I will be able to rely on various first world conveniences.

And to make matters even worse, my poor baby Cookie is not doing as well. For those who don't know, Cookie is more than 16 1/2, making her a quite old cat. We were told she had bad numbers with her liver and that eventually this would kill her, but the Vet made it sound like she could have another year or two. Yesterday, Cookie did not come down to eat dinner. This really worried me. We brought food to her and she ate it, but she's still not really doing as well as I would like. She's not eating as much as she should and she looks weaker. I'm worried we are going to be saying good bye to her sooner than I had expected. Adina is just really noticing Cookie and it is clear she loves the cat. Adina likes to pet Cookie and watch Cookie and to grab at her fur. And Cookie ever the wonderful cat that she is, just takes it. Cookie has really been so good to us and I am going to miss her.

baby, cats, real life, whining, japan

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