Anime Love

Nov 30, 2006 21:01

Thanks to sumeragiskank I am finally watching anime again and the series I have totally fallen for is Shounen Onmyouji. How can one beat a series about a 13 year old Heian boy and the shikigami sworn to protect him? It's slashy without being as over the top as Seed or Get Backers, and the Heian boy is adorable. His hatred of being referred to as Seimei's grandson makes me think of another 13 year old uke who wants people to use his actual name. I've now watched 1-6 and have 7 downloading. So many good seiyuu in it and Ishida Akira is all incredibly seme and NOT COMPLETELY EVIL. o_O So weird. I admit to also having Loveless issues, what with the grandfather named Seimei and the fact Konishi is playing the protective shikigami who has a thing for underage boys. (Though he is much more seme than in Loveless and his relationship with Seimei while conflicted is not in the league of Seimei and Soubi) Now, all I need to hope for is doujinshi at Haru Comic City or SCC. *______*

What do you get if somehow Raito and Kamui had a son and Syaoran and Kira reproduced (with a bit of Yuuta thrown in for good measure) and then mated Clamp with Gundam Seed, why you'd get Code Geass. I've now watched the first two episodes and Lelouche might look Kamui but he certainly seems to act more like Raito. Suzaku, one of my new favorite ukes, is adorable cute and earnest, though WTH he agreed to pilot Icchan's blue haired cousin's new gundam for Britannia despite the fact the Britannians SHOT HIM. Is he really that naive to think that piloting said new gundam will help him rescue Lelouche and the "Chii"? If he's that naive he really is related to Yuuta. o_O Lelouche and Suzaku already have their AsuKira love story going, except Suzaku has more balls than Asuran ever did, and Lelouche is sort of evil and definitely seme. lol And unlike Shounen Onmyouji, *I* know this series is getting doujinshi as Kashi already has pretty piccies of LeLouche and Suzaku and judging by their eye size in Kashi's art, it is obvious who is going to be the uke. lol

Wheeee so much fun!

geass, onmyouji, anime

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