I know I haven't updated in ages, but this entry will make up for it cuz it has PICTURES!!! So yea, I'm gonna go to a lot earlier in the week but here we go...
Yea, that was a good time guys. Everyone got all dressed up and I was PIMPin in my pink tie. I also won BEST FEATURED ACTOR!!! For my performance as the very sexy, Spanish Manolo Costazuela! They rolled footage of my performance and they did the Barthelona scene:-P
"That is where Spain is very different than America." HA I LOVE THAT PLAY!! Yea and they announced the new season next year. We're doing The Crucible, Steel Magnolia, Level one's play is School of Rock, and as the musical....*dum dum dum*....42ND STREET!! :-D Anyway, I know you're all getting sick of reading this so I'll post the god damn pictures already...
Me looking retarded as I pour pop...
Da Level two picture (which you can barely see)
Munny Mugs 4 Life!!
Munny Mugs 4 Life...with Marz---I mean Tori:-P
Wow...I look retarded, but Me and Tor.
Me and KRUNK! lol.
Yea that was the banquet! Also, I won BEST SMILE and MR. HART'S PET in the Mock Elections. I HATE my smile. It's so obnoxious, but w/e.
OK, well I almost didn't wanna go cuz I would've had a chance to hang out with mah baby if I didn't...but I still had a GREAT TIME! Me and Christine were swinging on the big, blue swing. Then, we went to some mexican place called El Charro's. Pretty damn good food! Then, we prank called people acting like "Muhammed Muhammed Muhammed" LMAO! Good times. "I was wondering the price of your oil" lol! Anyway more pics on this as well...
Christine, Michelle, and Me (CAN I NOT SMILE GOOD OR SOMETHING?!)
Oh yea...Saturday also consisted of me and Rachel talking about...Lol let's leave it at that. I Love You Baby;-)
Anyway, I CAN NOT WAIT FOR SCHOOL TO BE OUT!!!! I'M SOOOOOOOOO DAMN EXCITED!!!!!!! Well this is enough entry for one day...I'm out PAYCE!