Con report: Furnal Equinox 2010

Mar 08, 2010 19:30

So I spent this past weekend visiting a hotel near the airport, about a 1.5 hour trip away. Twice daily, and rather menial, but well worth it.

A first for the Toronto area, the local furry scene launched the inaugural edition of Furnal Equinox, a two-day convention at the Doubletree on Dixon Rd. Due to the condensed schedule of two days instead of three, much of the convention was marketed as having events running all night. Realistically, this simply meant early morning dancing and late morning sleep-ins on Sunday; since I didn't bother with the dance, and wanted to sleep at home, I don't think I missed much overnight.

I woke up early Saturday morning, assembling my collection of board games, conbadges, drawing supplies, a camera, and my netbook to make the trek down starting at 7 in the morning. Thanks to missing the first bus, I arrived 1:45 later to sign in and get my badge, a 2.5" round pin button with my name stuck on below a squealing fox. I also got a pawprint-print bag to hold the extra FE button, schedule, and programming book.

Some dealers' den tables were set up early, and few friends were around, so I took a short look at the options and chatted with a few people. Then some strangers (one was from Pittsburgh, apparently) to pass some more time until opening ceremonies. firebreath managed to track me down, stuck in a red Security shirt, so I managed to find another human face to fit with a furry name; he was supposed to host one of the panels later that day.

Opening ceremonies came and went with the standard introductions, and so I grabbed some lunch and went to hang out in the various open areas (hallway, zoo, and video game room) before going to the canines panel. Firebreath was a no-show, so we had a separate host wing it (with some help from a husky and anyone else suckered into the front row of seats). Hilarity ensued.

The rest of the first day was spent chatting with other furs, gaming a bit (learned a new board game called "Race for the Galaxy"), grabbing some supper, and waiting out for one of the room parties with Montreal furs - they were serving poutine. Took a while, though, thanks to delays getting the fries, but was worth the wait. I went home soon after, leaving behind my board games to lighten the load.

The next morning, I left behind by netbook and drawing supplies at home, stopping to pick up some cash for art stuff. Arriving closer tro 10, I spent more time browsing through the dealers' wares, taking breaks to chat, game, grab lunch, and attend a psychology panel discussing the results of demographic surveys from Anthrocon.

Immediately following the panel was the parade, so I brought out my camera, found a well-lit area, and started snapping photos. Some came out poorly thanks to fursuiters rushing the camera (hint, guys: it throws off the autofocus so you come out blurry), but I got some good snaps off as the parade and photo shoot continued. And took a few outside where the weather was excellent.

Later that afternoon, I got four prints, before closing ceremonies and a trip home. Final announced attendance was 330, far exceeding expectations. There is no date for next year as concom is looking into moving into a bigger space (from what I could tell).

Photos from the con

The prints:
Ipod Husky - Heather Bruton
Hot Cocoa - Heather Bruton
Polar Bears - Arrowroot
Wolf - Arrowroot
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