Nov 14, 2005 11:40 eventful. DKE's is sucking recently...I really dislike when people have an issue and they don't approach me...instead they converse with all their buddys then things get all jacked up. But I'm not stressing, just venting. School could be better, unfortunately I'm going to have to drop out of MSU for a semester cause they are assholes, nothings for certain, but they won't let me outta my housing contract and well...I fucking hate it there. I tried, good effort, all that shit, but I got so depressed. I guess that is one of my faults...can't live in a dorm for too long or I will go crazy. I watched a movie with Miles this weekend, had a great time! HEHE I love getting to know new and interesting people, hopefully we will do that again soon. David saved my life on thursday, if you would like to know more about that story just IM and I'll tell you that David is my hero...hey look! you don't even have to IM I already told you! Soooooooo school is hard, nothing new, really its just hard cause of the whole dyslexic learning issue crap I have, cause depending on the day/teacher/exam it comes really easy to me, so fuck being smart and retarded at the same time. I am putting together a portfolio on exactly what I want my career to look like and how I'm going to fund it and all the nitty gritty details, that should be nice. And the semester I'm out of MSU (if that all goes well) I'll be at LCC and working so I'll have some extra time for that. My job is good...and equally bad, not much more I can say there. And I think I'm going to start training for Dol Rae Arabians. That's about it here at the funny farm...have a nice day!
PS...Has anyone ever heard the phrase "We do what we can, the best that we can" well I would just like to say I'm pretty sure that is the only thing that keeps me going sometime...cause in my life that is so true.