Jan 08, 2005 11:55
Danka and I stayed at the office late Friday to use the internet, then crossed the street to the Community Center, where they were (trying to show?) showing a DVD to raise money for a children's camp this summer. Spielberg's "Hook" was scheduled for 6:30. I strolled in at 7:30 and they were still trying to get the sound system hooked up (ouch!). I tried my bit and helped get some background sound, but we had no voices. Poor Sarah was trying to call the former PCV guy who owned the system, and we had me and Danka and 6 of the Peace Corps girls all trying different things, and none of them quite worked. Then our flashlight went out, and the guy with the key to the overhead lighting box was gone. It was essentially a disaster and we offered the kids a chance to come back next weekend for a rain check.
And then someone plugged a video cable in and we had sound. Go figure. And we started the movie at 9:00 for the 8 or 9 stragglers who had stayed.
And as we drove home, the (only) radio station was still broadcasting the announcement for a movie to start at 6:30 . . . .