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November 04- Bureau of Public Safety Director, Ismael Aguon and Attorney General John Bradley joined President Remengesau in his weekly press conference today in the signing of Executive Order No. 382, that will modify and expand the authority of the National Drug Trafficking Task Force set forth in Executive Orders 190 and 323.
President Remengesau is calling for a full scale combat against the presence, use, and trafficking of illegal drugs in Palau.
Attorney General Bradley and Director Aguon in the Press Conference expressed that the battle against drugs (methamphetamine/ ICE , Marijuana, and others) and alcohol abuse can only be won if the Palauan people, the entire community join this effort. Palauans know Palauans and if we all come together and agree to this problem-we can win the fight against it. Listen to the Press Conference here: _________Executive Order No. 382_________
To modify and expand the authority of the National Drug Trafficking Task Force, as set forth in Executive Orders 190 & 323.
WHEREAS, President Tommy E. Remengesau, Jr., has signed Executive Order Nos. 190 and 323, establishing and describing a “National Drug Trafficking Task Force” (Task Force) that has made substantial progress in coordinating the use of national resources in fighting the presence, use and trafficking of illegal drugs in Palau; and
WHEREAS, the continuing presence of such illegal drugs and the increase of violent crime and gambling associated with trafficking has raised public concern for safety; and
WHEREAS, continued progress in the identification, investigation and arrest of drug dealers, gamblers and traffickers requires additional independence and focused authority by law enforcement;
NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the authority and power set forth in the Constitution in the President to “enforce the law of the land” and organize the executive branch as needed to accomplish that duty, the President hereby orders as follow:
The National Drug Trafficking Task Force created by Executive Order No. 190 and modified by Executive Order No. 323 shall be amended to modify the membership and authority of the Task Force as follows:
(A) The Attorney General shall have independent authority in designating, organizing and supervising the membership and activities of the Task Force. The members of the Task Force shall be designated and appointed by the Attorney General.
(B) The Task Force shall have the purpose of forming, training and supervising a Special Team of law enforcement officers to investigate and prosecute illegal drug activity and related gambling. The Task Force shall consider all legal strategies in developing a plan for investigating illegal drug activity and related gambling, including creative methods for identifying major drug traffickers.
(C) The Attorney General, or a designated Assistant Attorney General appointed by the Attorney General, shall serve as Chair of the Task Force and oversee the work of the Special Team.
(D) The Director of the Bureau of Public Safety (BPS) shall serve as a member of the Task Force in the role of full-time Team Director, leading the Special Team of law enforcement officers in developing and carrying outillegal drug investigations. A Deputy Director or Acting Director shall be designated by the President to oversee the BPS during the time the Director is serving on the Task Force. Upon conclusion of such service, the Director of BPS shall resume full-time leadership of BPS.
(E) The Attorney General, in consultation with the Team Director, may designate any number of law enforcement officers from any part of the executive branch of the Republic of Palau to serve on the Special team. Those designated officers shall be made available to the Task Force without interference or delay and shall serve only under the supervision of the Task Force for the time they serve on the Task Force. The designated persons serve at the discretion of the Task Force but shall remain employees of their original agency. Designated members shall continue to earn and accrue seniority and promotion eligibility as though they were serving with their original agency. Given the risks and danger associated with this type of work, the President may issue a separate directive authorizing specific overtime, hazard and regular pay.
(F) All enforcement authority and responsibility for drug investigations are transferred to the Task Force. The Team Director shall organize public education programs, using the law enforcement officers from the Division of Drug Enforcement. The programs shall inform the general public of the dangers of illegal drugs and related gambling, educate youth on the health problems and punishments associated with illegal drug use and publicize a Crime Stopper program for reporting illegal drug activity and related gambling to law enforcement. The public information shall be distributed on radio, television, newsprint and personal presentations. The Crime Stopper tips related to illegal drug activity and related gambling shall be delivered only to the Task Force under the direction of the Attorney General. The Division of Drug Enforcement shall continue to investigate alcohol and tobacco violations and other subjects within its jurisdiction unrelated to illegal drug activity.
(G) The Director of the Bureau of Public Safety, or his designee, shall deliver seized drugs for testing at a laboratory designated by the Attorney General within thirty (30) days of the seizure. The Director shall promptly provide the Attorney General with written verification of the delivery or written explanation of any delay. The Task Force shall investigate and recommend the development of solutions for conducting such drug testing in Palau.
(H) The Task Force shall cooperate with the Post Master Generalto direct any requests for assistance in conducting any drug investigations related to the Post Officeto the Team Director, and shall coordinate any investigative authority with the Postal Services consistent with this directive.
(I) The Attorney General shall submit to the Office of the President a description of resources, financial and otherwise, needed to operate the Task Force, including equipment and payroll, in order that the President may submit a request for funding to the OEK.
(J) Any information developed in connection with past, pending or new criminal investigations involving illegal drugs, including any reports, shall be immediately transferred to the Task Force upon request of the Attorney General.No further expenditure of money for undercover illegal drug operations shall be permitted, except through the Task Force. No further work with confidential informants in the investigation of illegal drug activity shall be permitted, except through the Task Force.
(K) The Task Force shall have authority, through the Attorney General, to obtain the cooperation of any other executive branch agency in the investigation of illegal drugs and related gambling, including but not limited to Customs, Immigration, Labor, Criminal Investigations Division,Division of Patrol and Division of Corrections.
(L) The Task Force shall conduct searches of the Koror Prison and any other confinement facility and shall receive the support and cooperation of the Division of Corrections. The Task Force also shall investigate the presence of money laundering in connection with alleged illegal drug trafficking in the Story Board Shop.
(M) The Task Force shall keep information collected during investigations confidential as needed to protect the integrity of the investigation and criminal prosecution. The Attorney General shall report only to the President and Vice President regarding the work of the Task Force.
(N) Task Force members' primary responsibilities are exclusively in support of the Task Force, and members are not subject to recall by their respective Bureau or Division unless approved by the Attorney General.
(O) Special Team membersmay be issued a distinctive uniform to be worn as directed by the Team Director.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunder set my hand and affixed my official seal this 4th day of November in the State of Koror, Republic of Palau.
Tommy E. Remengesau, Jr.
President of the Republic of Palau