Yap lawmakers to conduct public hearing
Yap lawmakers to conduct public hearing
COLONIA, Yap (Yap State Legislature) - Members of a legislative committee have scheduled a public hearing on Tuesday, April 9, to discuss with representatives from the government and other local groups on island, including ETG, the details of the Chinese company’s investment plan.
The public hearing will take place in the legislature chamber at 10 a.m.
The 8th Legislature of the State of Yap Standing Committee on Resources, Education and Development scheduled the public hearing to discuss matters pertaining to provisions in the ETG lease template agreement between the Chinese company and individual landowners in Yap state.
The following are the key witnesses from the government and ETG:
• Governor or lt. governor
• Concerned citizens group representative
• ETG representative Yang Gang
• Acting attorney general
• Micronesian Legal Service
• Y.A.P. Group representative
• Clement Mulalap
• Victor Nabeyan
• Council of Pilung chairman
• Council of Tamol chairman
The hearing is also open to any member of the public who wish to offer his or her testimony following the witnesses.
Teacher creates animal clinic fund
In other news, Stephanie Hollyman, a teacher at Yap High School, called off the search for her dog, Yappy, after the pet returned to her home in Nglog, Rull early Wednesday morning. Hollyman had posted flyers around Colonia offering a $100 reward for the safe return of the dog after it went missing on Monday evening. However, since the dog returned on its own, she wishes to donate the reward money instead to the next scheduled Yap Animal Clinic to create “The Yappy Fund,” which will financially assist those who cannot afford to have their animals treated. Hollyman also wishes to thank everyone who helped search for her dog. The Yap Animal Clinic is an semi-annual event aimed at bringing in outside veterinarians to Yap to assist the community with the treatment of local animals. The next Yap Animal Clinic is currently being organized and will be advertising the event dates as soon as possible.
http://www.mvariety.com/regional-news/palaupacific-news/54926-yap-lawmakers-to-conduct-public-hearing ----------------------------------------------------------
Sichuan realty tycoon disappears following probe
Staff Reporter 2013-04-03 10:26 (GMT+8)
Deng Hong, the would-be chairman of Exhibition & Travel Group China in Chengdu, Sichuan province, has disappeared from the public eye since March, following a government investigation launched in early December.
Exhibition and Travel Group chairman Deng Hong. (Photo/CFP)
Deng Hong is the mastermind behind a convention center and hotel project in the southwestern province. The project, spanning 800,000 square meters, is the largest real estate undertaking in Asia. Deng is estimated to hold 10 billion yuan (US$1.6 billion) in assets, including international convention and exhibition centers in Chengdu and holiday resorts elsewhere in the province.
Construction of the hotel and convention center project is still ongoing after news of Deng's investigation reached the public.
An inside source said Deng assured a meeting of his company's managers that he would not resort to illicit means to run his business, according to the Guangzhou-based 21st Century Business Herald. He apparently hoped his words would prevent gossip from leaking to the press.
Dubbed the convention and exhibition baron of western China, Deng returned to Chengdu from the US in 1995 before investing 1.4 billion yuan (US$226 million) to build an international convention and exhibition center in the city.
The Chengdu international convention center entailed investment totaling 375 million yuan (US$60 million). In addition, Deng has poured 1.5 billion yuan (US$242 million) into building hotels and a convention center in Jiuzhaigou, a renowned local scenic area. The project reportedly encountered serious funding problems.
In 2003, Deng started building a new convention and exhibition center in Chengdu. To fund the project, he obtained a 2 billion yuan (US$320 million) loan from China Citic Bank, 300 million yuan (US$48 million) from the issuance of securities products, and 700 million yuan (US$113 million) from mortgaged loans provided by several banks.
http://www.wantchinatimes.com/news-subclass-cnt.aspx?id=20130403000046&cid=1206 -------------------------------------------------------------
Say NO to Massive Tourism Investment; Say NO to Land-grabs!
Why this is important
Yap (Wa’ab), a small island of 100 square kilometers in the Western Pacific, is facing its social-cultural demise RIGHT NOW.
A Chinese company, Exhibition & Travel Group, (ETG), is planning to carry out its massive tourism investment in Yap. The people of Yap were poorly informed about the project and consequently had practically no input in the decision-making process. Regardless of the strong suspicion and disagreement among the populace in Yap, Yap state Governor and Council of Pilung (Council of Chief) have insisted on cooperating with ETG for its massive tourism investment.
We are a NPO named "Concerned Citizens Group" in Yap. Our organization consists of citizens of Yap who care about civic issues, especially relating to ETG's controversial investment in Yap. We have been expressing our strong disagreement with Government's cooperation with the ETG via very possible way since August 2012. However, Government officials have chosen to collaborate with ETG instead of listening to our exclaimed plea. Your support is very important to us!
To facilitate your understanding of the complicated issues, please visit our web:
http://concernedyapcitizens.wordpress.com/2013/03/29/online-petition-say-no-to-massive-tourism-investment-say-no-to-land-grabs/ Kam'magar!
The Council of Pilung pulled out . . . .
April 8, 2013
The Council Of Pilung Issues Letter To Chairman Of RED Committee
The traditional branch of the Yap State Government, the Council of Pilung, sent a communication to Senator Charles S. Chieng, who is the Chairman of The Resources, Education and Development (RED) Committee, last Thursday, April 04, 2013 expressing their regrets that they will not participate in the upcoming public hearing scheduled on Tuesday, April 09,
2013 at the legislature chamber at 10:00AM. The public hearing notice was issued by the RED Committee on April 02, 2013 regarding a miscellaneous communication (8-225) from the Concern Citizens Group on provisions in the ETG lease template agreement between ETG and individual landowner in Yap State.
The letter reads as follows:
"Dear Mr, Chairman:
We want to thank you for inviting the Council of Pilung to the public hearing "regarding provisions in the ETG lease template agreement between ETG and the individual landowner in Yap State", which is scheduled for April 9 at 10:00 a.m. We, the members of the Council of Pilung, will not be attending the public hearing. We feel that this public hearing is going to be an encroachment into a private dealing between private citizens and a private business, and it will be an overreach in the exercise of a government power.
Ensuring that private citizens fully understand the terms of their leases with any business, particularly a foreign investor, is a valid concern. But running their leases, or the lease template that they are negotiating, thru the political process of a public hearing is not the proper way to address that concern. Instead what the citizens need is access to legal services.
The State contributes to MLSC's budget annually so that it can provide free legal services to citizens. But if MLSC cannot help citizens negotiate their leases with ETG for whatever reason, the State can consider appropriating funds to hire a lawyer or a law firm (even from outside of Yap if necessary) to assist citizens in their lease negotiations with ETG during a specific period of time, say a year or two.
State funds were once given to the Satawal community to hire a lawyer to represent them in a reef damage case. So there is precedent for this.
There may also be other options to better ensure that our citizens have access to legal services in respect of the ETG project. We ask that your Committee focus on the options by which the State can best ensure accessibility for landowners to legal services, rather than directly reviewing private leases through a political lens.
If your Committee is to start reviewing private leases involving ETG, will it stop there? Or will it have to review all other leases between private landowners and other business going forward? Thank you.
Bruno Tharngan, Chairman
Thomas Falngin, Vice-Chairman
Steven Mar, Member
Francis X. Fithingmow, Member
James Manguon, Member
Justin Yilubwag, Member
James Limar, Member
James A. Yatman, Member
Louis LukanGaw, Mamber
Cyril Yinnifel, Member"