Lavender - Backdated (Because I missed her birthday like I said I would)

Oct 16, 2012 09:24

Roger wasn't sure the last time he actually slept a whole night. Something about school, Quidditch, and all the extra stuff McGonagall was throwing at him ever since he said "Oh, hey, by the way, what do I do to be an Auror?"

It was Friday, though, and his schedule worked out so he could have slept in. He wasn't, though, and there was a simple reason for that: It was Lavender's 17th birthday. It called for a little more celebration than most birthdays. Nevermind that Roger had a tendency to go overboard for her birthday and had made a pattern of it since about the year she started at Hogwarts.

He was up early enough to be leaning against the wall across from the Fat Lady's portrait and watching tiny new Gryffindors flood out on their way to breakfast, waiting for Lavender to turn up, probably with Parvati in tow.
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