Seriously I'm deranged and insane....It's a sickness...

Nov 10, 2008 12:43

Yeah I've been desperately trying to hold back on something and finally couldn't stand it any longer, I've started a new Kahlan/Richard shipper proboard forum (I'll get it up and running in a couple of days and get you all the link so that anyone who's a shipper - or at least fans of the show - can join.)

Pretty much anywhere I look in LOTS forums the fanboys are whining all over the place and I just can't take it! So I'm starting a shipper site, the girls here are very positive about the show and I want to give us all a single place that we can go to chat about our favorite new couple w/o worrying about book purists getting up in arms.

Why is this insane? Because I run: Sarah Connor Society - the largest Sarah Connor Chronicles fansite network on the web, a Clois/Smaville forum, and have about 6 other random websites that I run and/or participate on.


Yeah I know, it's a sickness. I can't help myself. Damn Sam Rami for hiring gorgeous Craig Horner! *Sigh* However Craig lusting aside,  I knew this would be coming. I loved these books when I read through them about 4 years ago. I did have issues w/ Terry's wordiness and BORING deep philosophy blatherings, so I enjoy that the series doesn't take itself overly seriously. I love Bridget and Richard as characters though, they're probably some of my favorite literary characters ever written so it really isn't a shock that I'm over the moon for this show.

*Le Sigh.*

Anywhoo - stay tuned - I'll get you all details on my new forums when they're ready :) It'll be a place for fangirl chatting about our favorite actors, characters, sharing artwork, videos, and general joy over finding a new show to love.
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