Star Wars stand alone films coming...let the whining commence

Feb 06, 2013 23:38

In case you haven't heard, Disney announced that they've hired former SW writers to start working up 2 stand-alone STAR WARS features that will be developed and turned into feature films that will be independent of the new trilogy that's in the works. I'm not quite sure why this is shocking anyone, they said that this was going to happen at the time of the merger's announcement. Poor Disney, they can't seem to win. The first rumors going are that film 1 will center around Yoda, today EW said that they believe that the second story will be set between ANH & ESB and will be a Han Solo/Boba Fett story.

You would think w/ the announcement that there would be a BOBA FETT film that fanboys should be bouncing up and down and squealing in delight, right? Nope. They're screaming all over the place. I swear these idiots don't know up from down. When the merger was announced all they wanted was a freaking Boba Fett movie, then hearing that they're going to hire someone else to play Han Solo - they're all singing a different tune.

*Sigh* Personally, I say if that second rumor is true THANK GOD that Han is in it because I certainly would never want to see an all-Boba love-fest movie.

I knew from the beginning that eventually, at some point the original 3 would end up getting recast so there could be new Han, Leia, and Luke adventures on the big screen. It was inevitable. Disney spent a BUTT LOAD of money to buy this franchise and they're going to cash in on sure fires that will help reap back their initial investment. They don't plan to "remake" the original films - Disney's smart enough to know don't fix what's not broken - they want to make stories that will expand on that world.

I'm not really sure what the hoopla is about - it's not like Lucasfilm hasn't produced stuff w/ Han, Leia, Luke - it's called the Expanded Universe in the form of comic books and novels. Now instead of waiting for a book to be written and published, the stories will end up on the big screen. There's a whole generation of actors out there who would kill to play those parts and being fans of the saga, they'd do them justice. Casting is the biggest element to these film's success. Doing a Yoda film is easy. They've got 900 years of time fodder - they could make a new film w/ all new characters when Yoda is young. There is plenty of time between each of the films for new stories and thousands of years in either direction for new stories.

THIS is why I refuse to have a fit over where Disney wants LFL to go with making movies. Now instead of taking good story ideas and putting them into video games or novels - we'll get MOVIES! Hasbro will finally be able to stop re-hashing same characters for making figures because they'll be swamped w/ new characters, new outfits, new playsets for making toys. The franchise will live on.

In many ways this must've been what it was like for fans of Disney films after Walt died and the company took over his legacy - Disney has had ups and downs like every company out there, but they've always stayed true to their maker's vision for his company - to produce quality family entertainment. The fanboys had better watch it, if they refuse to embrace the carrots and peace offerings that LFL is sending out their way - the next movie WILL be "Jar Jar's Big Adventure." That, btw IS a movie that I would pay to go see : )~
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