My Star Wars Fanfic Archive Updated

Dec 30, 2011 20:36

So I decided that I needed to tackle my Star Wars fanfiction and properly archive it on my website since each time I tried using other sources for archives - the coding on them croaked on me. I decided to make life "easier" on potential readers. I went through all of my archives on, copied the fics into OpenOffice Writer and then saved them all as PDF files. The PDFS are all uploaded on my own server and can be read either online or download each individually.

I wrote copious amounts of fanfiction between 2002-2006. How much? Well there are 3 novels in the batch that are over 300 pages each, plus 2 more that combined would be around that also. In all I wrote well over 1000 pages - and that only counts my EU/AU fics.

I have a collection of small Anakin/Padme Vignettes, 3 stories that relate to Luke & Leia being kids, and my massive Star Wars EU/AU series that originates from The Young Jedi Knights books and leaps forward from them. My books do not follow/mention any of the events from The New Jedi Order book series (where they killed off Chewbacca - because apparently they thought that he was "boring" to write - and Anakin Solo. Oh yeah, and Jacen Solo has gone dark side.)

Anywhoo - While writing them over on - my readers nominated my fics numerous times for awards.

Even though I abandoned my last fic "Carida Avenged Purity Control" back in 2006, I've been thinking it might be time to work on it again to get myself back into writing. I have an original novel that I want to work on and writing fanfiction always loosens my creative gears in that regard.

Please check out my full STAR WARS FANFICTION ARCHIVE on my website. All stories are available to read/download via PDF. If you decide to check any of them out - let me know what you think!

young luke skywalker, star wars, anakin and padme, expanded universe, jaina solo, luke and mara, fanfiction, jacen solo, han and leia

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