Weekend Update

Mar 14, 2010 14:07

So I've spent the last weekend here working on rebuilding my screencap inventory since I went through and finally uploaded and created galleries for all of the outstanding SV episodes that I had finished/were partially finished - now I've had to work on making more.

So I've capped I think 3- 4 episodes this past week/weekend and today am working through "Absolute Justice" (which I might add, I got a GORGEOUS copy of....even if it does have logos.) I need to start purging all of the horribly blurry/dupes and then start building galleries again for them, expect a flood of new SV caps later in the week.

I'm going to work on finish grabbing all of my season 5 stuff this week - I'm going to have to do some extra work to get to the season 8 files again - my original source dried up, but I can still get them. They'll be my next challenge - it's worth it, the files are larger than usual, but GOD are they densely pixelated and BEAUTIFUL. I've got a few season 2 episodes that I still want to grab, I liked that season, it was pretty Blahna light, lots of Clark and tons of Lex/Lionel bickering. I mostly grab them because there's tons of Kent stuff. I miss the Kents.

I'm starting the long process of moving files off my harddrive and onto DVDS. I checked and realized that I had filled 1/2 of my TB drive already - YIKES! Time to move stuff off. I figure all of my raw gallery files and videos are probably hogging up space, so off they go.

I'm planning to make some artwork for T-Shirts for Comic Con - it's in the prelim stage right now, but it'll be for Superverses- we've got a bunch of girls that we're going to Comic Con with this year (and maybe my Dad) and I want us all wearing matching shirts on Sunday for the SV panel. I haven't done a lot of manipping in ages - time to brush off those rusty skills and get to work.

I'm also getting excited for Phoenix Comic Con in May - Jonathan Schneider, James Marsters, Ray Park, and Daniel Logan (young Boba Fett) are going to be there along w/ several STNG actors! Jonathan Schneider??? *Swoons* I recently unearthed a S2 Smallville poster that I bought off of ebay a couple of years ago and put it in a frame to smooth is out - it'll be going with me for Jonathan & James to sign.

What else? Flash Forward is back this week - FINALLY. I picked up the first 1/2 of the season DVDs to catch up - my DVR skipped recording one of the eps so we got behind. I'm anxiously waiting for "V" (Michael Trucco!) Glee, and the arrival of Happy Town on my DVR schedule. For anyone who knows nothing about it - Happy Town is going to ROCK. I got to see a sneak of the pilot back in the fall - it's dark & twisted. It's got Sam Neill. Think Harper's Island meets Twin Peaks. I'll probably cap it when it comes on (or during the Summer...I've got a bunch of shows that I plan to cap come summertime.) Anywhoo - off to sort caps :)
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