Seriously - I now remember why it is that I gave up watching the Oscars years ago - the old farts who vote for things have no vision because they've got their heads stuck too far up their asses.
I'm sure that The Hurt Locker is a gripping piece of dramatic film-making and a great story, truly. But seriously in 10 years, who's going to remember it? It's frakking STAR WARS all over again. "Hey Jim, thanks for bringing BUCKETS of money into our dying industry during the worst economy that the world has seen since the Great Depression - thanks for making every filmmaker realize that he/she needs to raise their game for the future - but fuck NO you do NO get one of the 2 big prizes you smug wank. And here - FU to everyone who forked over money to see his film too - nanner nanner our opinion means more than yours."
Jealous bastards. The only things I was happy about were UP winning a couple of Oscars and Sandra Bullock winning. Sam Worthington FINALLY getting glasses and wearing them was fabulous - btw, didn't he look hot w/ his Simon Baker-esque geek horns? Other than that - the night was rather craptastic, what 2 Oscars for AVATAR? To use my favorite Dean Winchester phrase, the Academy can go and "stuff it with walnuts." Oh and as a final note - my original opinion has not changed in any way - Ben Stiller is the most over rated, over exposed, annoying "celebrity" - I won't even call him an actor, in Hollywood.