My New Years Resolutions

Dec 31, 2009 17:16

I know it's technically still 2009 - but here we go. What are your resolutions?

- Completely clean out house and garage and get rid of over 1/2 of my belongings. I'm serious about this, I'm tired of owning unnecessary crap and having it all weigh down my existence.

- Buy new computer and start backing EVERYTHING up onto disks.

- Eat better, exercise more, lose weight. (I don't expect a lot out of this - just enough to keep my pants fitting and maybe a bit looser than usual.)

- Save more money, spend less on unnecessary stuff. Save money for vacations - comic con (where I WILL finally buy something) and cruise to Mediterranean.

- Start planning for a future vacation Down Under, it's been too long since I've been to Australia, it's time to go back.

- and most importantly... START MY NOVEL.
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