Oh Smallville *Sigh*

Nov 14, 2009 01:44

Basically it comes down to this - if you gave up watching SV mid Season 6 because of the return of Blahna crap - just pick up again w/ season 9..everything that we loved about the beginning of season 6 just seems to have picked up here and now...minus extra baggage.

Onto Idol chat....

I want to get this clear - I have NEVER doubted Brian and Kelly. NEVER. I saw an interview a couple of years ago with Steven Spielberg where he talked about being a director in TV, he said that irregardless of what you do to shoot a scene as a director/writer/whatever, the Executive Producers have all of the final power - they can cut the episodes however they want. Goughlar did this for years on Smallville. In fact I firmly believe that they often went back and reshot some scenes and inserted them into episodes - most noticably that frakking emasculating Rectory scene in PROMISE. It wasn't even written to sound like the rest of the episode which always had me believing that Brian and Kelly NEVER wrote that scene. I read in a Smallville magazine before the episode aired that they were proud of PROMISE, had that scene not been in it, it would've been a good episode, with it, it was crap.

Anywhoo - they were always subversive w/ the Clana episodes, with cutesy crap they usually made Lana petty and small. Clois was always epic even when they really had no business being so early on in the series. They'd launch Clois forward and Goughlar fought it back w/ pink Kryptonite.

I now firmly believe that Schwimmer and Slavkin were also responsible for the other 1/2 of the crap that we were force fed over the years, the boring, lame ass Chloe arcs. I like Chloe, I loved her in seasons 1-3, but once she became Clark's secret keeper and side kick her overall character development wavered and vanished.

I like the Chloe that we're getting this season, she's sneaky and yet still holds tight to her largest flaw, her own arrogance about her intelligence. Characters that are too perfect just aren't that interesting to watch. Her spying on everyone, her being "protective" of Clark by monitoring him night and day - Clark's getting creeped out by it. And why wouldn't he? Perhaps it has been useful, but it's also disturbing. She's becoming a puppet master of sorts, which I think Brian and Kelly might be doing intentionally.

Anyways - onto the wonderfulness of this episode. I had heard that there was Clois stuff - I didn't pay a lot of attention just thought eh Wonder Twins, whatever. I'm sorry but I think that it should be written that in one way or another every episode should open with sweaty shirtless Clark to open it. It's a guaranteed way of sending adrenaline RIGHT to the heart and making certain that the old ticker is strumming at full beat and that it's human is 100% awake. Hooha talk about beyond hot, if I was Lois and having flashes like that at work, I'd be a spaced out zombie also. Clumsy Clark was adorable BTW.

I loved the symmetry w/ Clark holding Lois to his doing so at the DP in Crimson. It's also the same/similar to the fabulous "For Tomorrow" comic where Lois is wrapped up in Superman's cape and Clark's all naked behind her. Click HERE for my SV Clois interpretation of the Comic.

Everything about this episode was right out of a Superman comic - Lois dangling from a building, Clark Kent trying to save her as Clark, Lois rambling like mad, Clark's grinning like crazy whenever Lois was off on one of her epic tirades. Lois realizing that she was more interested in Clark than the Blur - was pure magical.

Glasses...Erica's expression when she put them on was hilarious. The final scene w/ Lois planting one right on Clark was just epic and so, so mush worthy iconic. If you looked at the promo photos for this episode you would've seen that the Wonder Twins were supposed to have revealed themselves as the Blur at the press conference - that was a Brian and Kelly Ex Producer cut out - instead of using the Twins for comedy - they gave us a gloriously magical moment where Clark realized that Lois truly GETS him. Even her speech when she's about to drop off of the flagpole. You could see Clark's heart swelling - Lois is everything that he needs, she GETS him and frankly I think that if Miss Butt-in-sky hadn't called as the Blur that Clark might've spilled the beans to Lois there on the street. He certainly was upset that Chloe interfered. Chloe is not ready for Lois to know Clark's secret. Once that happens - where exactly will she be in Clark's life? Alone in her ivory tower? Not a lot of fun now is it?

Clark is still confused - "respect the symbol" - yeah Clark it's the MAN who wears the symbol that's important, not just the symbol. But hey, you get brownie points for finally respecting your Krypto dad.

Anywhoo I loved this episode, it was everything that The Adventures of Lois and Clark was without the hokiness. Happy smiley Clark is back because of his love for Lois and because of that alone my heart sings.
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