Oct 08, 2009 12:18
I'm working on a cool R/K thing that I should get up by Friday and went to bed late last night. Before I woke up this morning I was having a dream where I was watching a new version of The X-Files being shot w/ Craig Horner as Fox Mulder.
As consciousness came forward I realized that Craig would in fact be fantastic in my vision of a new generation of The X-Files. I've always thought that they needed to have the next show be about William joining the FBI w/ Director Skinner landing him into the X-Files (much like Doggett he'd feel it's a HUGE demotion or a joke.) His partner would be the daughter of Doggett and Reyes who would be kind of flaky. William would know nothing about his birth parents and is in fact a die hard skeptic and a military man since his adopted family had been farmers and wouldn't have been able to afford to send him to Oxford or Ivy League like his father. Of course there are strange things w/ him - like the fact that he has telekanesis and has never been sick a day in his life.
Seriously - I need to think about working on this...would any of you be interested in reading it?
On another matter - this weekend I had a nearly fully realized dream that was just like an episode of MEDIUM complete w/ Allison's weird dreams and tracking down a killer (or something of the sort - don't remember it now) but it was a fully self contained story w/ a resolution that after I woke up and thought it over the entire dream made sense. Considering I didn't even watch the previous week's ep of MEDIUM until this Monday, I had no idea where that came from, but it is proof that I watch WAY too much TV.