[Plotting About] July 2014 / Week 2 / Where Weavers Daire / Chapter 22

Jul 08, 2014 17:17

This list pretty much covers what’s been happening recently.

To give everyone an update on everything: I’ve been writing a science fiction/space opera manuscript for close to four years and I’m coming up on my 1 year anniversary of doing it full time while freelancing on the side as a graphic designer.

At the end of last year I figured out I needed to go back and re-write the first third.

Now, we’re at the second third which is already written.

I’ve been turning the train so to speak to straightening things out and at the end of one chapter Melinda disappears for a good three chapters.

Someone else takes the stage and before I got any deeper the alarm bells went off.

Three chapters wasn’t deep, they were already written so I just dragged them off into a folder in Scrivener.

I edited Melinda back in for the next three chapters and then she disappears which makes a ton more sense now because now everyone has something to fight for and she gets closer to what’s going on.

My daily walks have been helping plot things out. Besides burning through Writing Excuses, Self Publishing, Nerdist Writer’s Panel, Sword and Laser , Aisha Tyler and Children of Tendu podcasts it gives me time to think things through. The guys at Writing Excuses brought this ritual up this morning.

No word count due to shuffling chapters. I’ve been adding finished chapters one at a time into Scrivener so if the K count drops by 10-20k it’s because three chapters like those I mentioned above got pulled.

78k-ish is the count right now.

In non-novel news…

Last month, the Writing Group switched over to critiquing manuscripts. Bennett North did the honors and on Saturday we’ll see how that turned out. I think this is natural turning point for the group. A lot of us are working on long form work and I think we’ll have enough to last us until the holidays.

Weaver will be done in time for September’s meet up.

SDCC is next week and I’m not going. I’m 50% happy, 50% unhappy and %100 trilled I won’t be footing the bill for that week long trip to Nerd Prom.

Boston Con is the second week of August and I’m tempted on treating myself since my birthday is right around the corner.

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Originally published at RKB Writes. You can comment here or there.

plotting about, draft zero, writing

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