Chapter 11 is done.
Chapter 12 is next on deck.
Chapter 13 should be where we last left off with Spence.
So, if the word count bumps up a lot it means we’re hitting chapters I’d already written.
It means my re-writes of the first 1/3 of the book are nearly complete. It feels nice to be able to say that.
That brings the Where Weavers Daire K BAR count to:
Since Kameron Hurley tweeted about it I’ll pass it onto you, it’s called
The Spreadsheet of Shame. For those NaNoWrimo peeps, you probably already have a few copies of this lying around.
If you’re a spreadsheet time of person and if Scrivener’s word count window feels tame then this is for you.
My X-Men: Days of Future Past review will go tomorrow evening sometime.
Watchdogs will be picked up tomorrow and will have to wait until I’ve got more chapters under my belt.
In non-writing news: Any New England businesses looking to sponsor a local sporting event,
401 R.E.G.I.M.E.N. Classic Amateur Boxing Showcase taking place on August 2, 2014 in Providence, R.I. at the Bank of America City Center in the Providence Rink is looking for sponsors.
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