[Plotting About] The end of 2013…

Dec 30, 2013 17:59

Besides the review of the Doctor Who Christmas episode and a possible review of Joe Hill’s Locke and Key comic saga that I just finished devouring this will probably be my last post for 2013.

No metrics for this month.

I’ve been shoring up the backstory of the Weaver verse in order to get chapters right in the work in progress. And shoring up the backstory means writing it down and not writing willy nilly. The pantser in me is taking a back seat so the planner can drive and it’s all for the better.

It doesn’t feel like I’ve gotten things done but in the end I can look back and find things with ease instead of digging myself deeper into hole.

I’ll be moving the synopsis stuff over to Scrivener just so I’ll have easier access to it then I do now.

As for 2014, nothing much is planned except for Emerald City Comic Con and cosplaying as Jayne Cobb of Canton. The hat being made by my mom.

Attending San Diego Comic Con is on hold for the foreseeable future. As much as I enjoy it, it’s a major cash drain every year. Emerald City isn’t due to having family willing to put up with me in the Seattle area.

My plans for 2014 consist of:

1. Finish Weaver Book #1. Query Agents. Work on Book #2.
2. Find a graphic design job.
3. Finish a short story and submit it to either magazine or writer’s workshop.
4. Continue to write.
6. Read more.
7. Take more pictures and post’em.
8. More gaming with Team Formation.
9. Hope for good new season of Doctor Who with Peter Capaldi.

Originally published at RKB Writes. You can comment here or there.

plotting about, new england, writing, conventions

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