NaNoWrimo Update:
Five days in and the current metric is:
The Spoils of War K BAR count is:
I’m about 7k behind which is roughly 2 chapters. Going to focus on the NaNo novel for now and swing back around to finish the Weaver novel afterwards.
And somewhere in between play COD: Ghosts.
Write Ins:
The Knight Memorial Library Write In went well.
It was probably one of the older libraries I’ve been in and took a few more pictures than I normally do.
When they’ve got busts on the bookshelves and fancy windows what else can you do.
The newest thing in the room was the ethernet jack.
We filled the conference room as you can see with some new and old faces.
Comic Con News:
So with the
Rhode Island Comic Con behind us, we soldier on towards the
S. Attleboro Comic and Collectables show the coming Sunday where I will be selling comics from Marvel, DC, Image and several others. Trade paperbacks, Hard Covers and DVDS too.
RI Comic Con Photos can be found here.
I was only there for a few hours and having missed last years Con I thought the Con was pretty good.
The isles were wide enough. The amount of people walking around in costume was nice. Some really good Star Wars cos players. The giant Rancor nice. The amount of comics being sold wasn’t big enough in my opinion. There were a few boxes here and there of Silver Age but I think the Barnes and Noble Table, which was a nice surprise to see had more comics than most of the tables. The
The organization of the vehicles was disjointed, there were no lanyards by Sunday and thankfully I pre-paid through Groupon because the VIP badge was worth getting instead of the wrist band. The pre-order bags had some nice comics but not the program guide which was left in boxes inside the convention center. At least the bags were big enough to carry stuff.
I’ll have to remember to cos-play next year maybe on Saturday.
Unfortunately, the S. Attleboro Show conflicts with a meet up which means missing out on write in at
Providence Athenaeum but there’s always next week.
Next Write In will be at the Warwick Public Library’s Idea Room, Thursday from 6:30pm - 8:45pm. Remember to RSVP on the
Rhody Wrimo FB page.
Originally published at
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