[Plotting About] February’s metrics…

Feb 02, 2013 10:54

Welcome to February…

If you were to look at last year’s Sup Bowl Update the metric on the work in progress between then and now hasn’t changed that much.

The WIP K BAR count is:

The edits from the Rhody Writing Group I’ve been getting has helped enormously with my hideous punctuation. Along with the critiques from the two Gotham Writing Courses I took at the end of the last year.

The good news is I merged two chapters together and dumped a plot thread.

The bad news is it’s taken 2 years to get this far.

With the change of schedule at work I’ve started writing in the mornings. The two hours in the morning has helped getting past the problems people had with chapters 2+3.

I’m in the middle of revising chapter 8+9. Chapter 8 was originally the reveal of the big bad but it never happened and I tried something else but I think I’ll go back to my original idea.

The first scene of chapter 10 got the a-ok from the group, the rest of chapter 10 I foresee as a flashback since the last one worked well.

The flashback will smooth out the major problem with chapter 10 I had: telling and not showing.

The plan currently is to get the work in progress done before I go to Emerald City Comic Con at the end of February. And, if anyone else s going, they’ve posted their programming schedule.

Stumbled across a Dear Lucky Agent Contest and passed it on to shareslune. Now we both wait patiently for the next 3 weeks to see if either of our 200 words manages to make the cut.

If any trailers drop during the Super Bowl tomorrow, I’ll post’em.

Originally published at RKB Writes. You can comment here or there.

plotting about, writing

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