[NaNoWrimo] A metric check in…

Nov 20, 2012 21:57

Looks like 2012 is going to mirror 2008 with the paltry metric score.

This post from last year will show you how much I was ahead.

The NaNoWrimo Death Bar count is:

I can’t blame it on much except my heart just wasn’t in it this year.

At least at the Write Ins I’m getting some word count in. I can happily report that Woonsocket and Newport Libraries have nice meeting rooms and if we ever get more people asking for write ins in those areas I can point them in the right direction.

So far, the write ins in Providence and URI seem to be the most well attended.

I’ve took my own advice and hit page break and went back to the current work in progress and shifted a few chapters around so Spencer and Melinda (the book’s two protags) get some equal time.

I think it works since one chapter ends on a cliffhanger for Spencer and the next chapter picks up the Melinda storyline better.

The WIP Death Bar count is:

One more chapter for Mindy then it’s back to Spencer and soon they’ll meet up and fight the evil.

Originally published at RKB Writes. You can comment here or there.

nanowrimo, plotting about, draft zero, writing

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