[Ramblin'] Irene, Draft and Columbiana updates…

Aug 31, 2011 21:57

This won't be much of an update since Irene's western edge kicked the crap out of the lower East Coast and Vermont while her eastern edge basically passed by Rhode Island.

Saturday we managed to have our Rhody Writers Meet Up at Books on the Square. Since the library was booked, one our newer members found us a lovely place to meet at and I have to say even with the then Cat 2 Hurricane slowly churning up the coast we had 8 people, 6 regulars and 2 new people, 1 even had signed up the night before.

I always enjoy these meet ups because I have no idea what people are going to post. We have the Steampunk / Fantasy , Horror, Sci-Fi, General Fiction and others. So far I have not found any of the pieces in six months boring and many of them come back once they've been edited and read better than before. And, if that's the case, then the group is working.

Thankfully, what little prep I did (pumps, hoses in the basement, pulled everything into the garage and lovely Mister X w/ duct tape on a bay window) was not needed. Two weeks ago we had a tree service swing by and even out some trees, took out two bushes, gave the place a hair cut and I think that helped since the yard with the exception of some small twigs is untouched. Can't say the same for the rest of the street since a few neighbors had big enough trees that are now on the street waiting for pick up.

As for the rest of Rhode Island, they were not so fortunate. Parts of Rhode Island are still without power and cable. The general estimate is now Labor Day but most of those estimates are estimates since my cable should still be off until Thursday and by this morning it was back on. Even with the loss of food once lost power was restored I think the restaurants may be turning a profit since according to some several restaurants on Monday night had lines out the door. The line for Red Box looked like the line for Dunkin Donuts.

As for work, I was at a hotel for two days so in case of the worst I'd be there. This was the first time in ten years I've had to do this for a Hurricane. Every single time I've done this before was for snow conditions. Some may grouse the storm was overhyped and we were over prepared, but I tend to disagree, we were prepared enough to have people driving out in the middle of this thing in Virginia Beach and prepared enough for people to still make stupid mistakes and go canoeing only Gilligan did not come back with the Skipper.

Thankfully, my street had electric but no cable by the time I got home on Monday night, Tuesday was spent re-arranging appointments for the car and with Cinemaworld Lincoln closed due to no power it was off the Providence Place Mall for Colombiana. I'll post a review tomorrow of it, overall, it should have been The Professional 2 but the PG-13 rating and some defying reality scenes dragged this down to a B- and that's ignoring the dialogue.

As for the draft news, the draft continues, I shuffled pieces of chapters so most of the chapters are 15 pages. I'm not going to post a word count, yet.

Hope everyone has a good holiday weekend. I recommend downloading the Hurricane HD App since Katia is next on the list.

Originally published at RKB Writes. You can comment here or there.

rhody writing group, hurricane, new england, writing

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