[SDCC] SDCC 2011 Day Three Ramblin’

Jul 22, 2011 23:22

Day Three of #sdcc arrives and the list of panels is getting shorter and shorter. Not because there are conflicts but because of the lines.

If I was ten years younger I'd be camped out with everyone else but alas, reading the Twitter Feeds the line is out the door and around the block for the Ballroom 20 where most of the television panels are like Torchwood, Warehouse 13 and Eureka, True Blood and others.

Decided to walk around the dealer's room for a bit, grabbed a few shots. I've started walking down 9th St and bypassing 5th. The walk through Petco Park is calming since it's the only grass I've seen since I got here.

The BBC America Booth being sandwiched next to Lucasfilm may have been a great idea if the footprint between booth's were bigger. And, I think that's the problem as well, the aisles are too small. I somewhat glad the Quantum Mechanic's Booth has their TARDIS at their own booth because if BBC had pulled stunt like that, it'd be ten times worse.

Found a place to sit under the Sails, the constant flow of people is fun to watch, they all have the same question: Are these seats taken or is it okay if I sit? Even with all the hustle of bustle from down stairs people are still polite.

It nice to talk to the fans and gauge their reaction to the Con. For more than a few this is their first time while others this is a repeated event. Most of them agree: long lines, miscommunication about where to go but I wouldn't miss it! Thankfully most of them are following the San Diego Convention Center Twitter Feed to get line updates.

I decided to go see Captain America at UA Horton Plaza. And lo and behold: A line to get in!

The crowd was a good crowd and laughed at the right places. Joe Johnson handled the action, talky and plot scenes rather well. If post-Mummy Stephen Sommers had had this movie it would have been a disjointed mess. If you are planning to see it wait until the credits end for the Avenger Trailer which after seeing it on the big screen is just a tad too fast.

Came out of theater and checked to see where The Nerdist Podcast is going to be. A bit of a hike but it'll be nice to see more of San Diego than just from 10th down to the Convention Center.

Originally published at RKB Writes. You can comment here or there.

sdcc, geekdom, conventions

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