[SDCC] A rundown of SDCC 2011 panels…

Jul 10, 2011 22:24

So, with the full schedule of #sdcc unleashed upon us here are some panels that I'm going to attempt...

First things first: Here's a PDF File of the floor plan of the Convention Center.

This map should help in deciding which panel you're going to. The presenters and the subject matter not one iota. How far are we running from one panel to another. This is not a jibe at being lazy, it's a jibe at how well Comic-Con Security will be funneling the huddled masses down one side of the Convention Center to go in and out the other side.

First and foremost: A convention such as this you should have at least three panels for a one hour time slot.

So many panels...

...so little time.

So, if panel A and B are too long of a line then just go to Panel C. Remember what I said about location?

Or, take a swing by this post from the SDCC Comic Blog regarding investment versus cost. His math is better than mine ever will be.

To give you an idea of my mind set going into SDCC: I've gotten away from comics and mostly read web comics right now. I'm on the edge of dropping my subscription list completely and looking at several themed panels: Television and book authors. My trip to the Exhibitors will be light.

The good news is: SDCC has partnered with Sched to let you pick and choose your panels and see if other people are going as well. The good news is you can print out a list of your checked off panels.

So, Thursday's panels including: Heroes and Villains w/ Maxwell Alexander Drake (conflicting w/) Evolution of a Webseries, Putting Epic into Epic Fantasy, Game of Thrones Panel (conflicting w/) 20th Century Fox (conflicting w/) Star Wars Old Republic, Archer Screening w/ Q+A (conflicting w/) No Damsel in Distress Here, Epic Literary Adventures, EW's Faverau and del Toro (it's a maybe with del Toro, he's producing more than directing lately), Scoop w/ Simon & Shuster and top it off with Torchwood Miracle Day Episode 3.

Thursday is not so bad. A nice mix of authors and television with only EW's and 20th Fox being in Hall H. I have yet to map out where most of these will be and the dip into the Hall H Horror line will be minor.

TGIF's panels include: Torchwood: Miracle Day Panel (conflicting w/) Lock and & Key Pilot Screening (which repeats at 8pm) (conflicting w/) Adult Swim: Venture Bros, Writing Seminar w/ Marv Wolfman (conflicting w/) ABC's The River (conflicting w/) Dreamwork's Fright Night Panel (conflicting w/) Eureka Panel (conflicting w/) Falling Skies (conflicting w/) Robot Chicken (conflicting w/) Writing The Apocalypse (conflicting w/) Warehouse 13, Art of Design (conflicting w/) True Blood (conflicting w/) Alphas (conflicting w/) Girls Gone Genre, What's Up with Penguin (conflicting w/) Zombies (conflicting w/) Del Rey Spectra, SyFy Screening of Eureka, Haven and Mercury Men.

Yeah, Friday is just one big: What do you want to see? What do you need to see? The SyFy Screening at the end can easily be ejected since 1/3 of shows I'm interested in.

Saturday's Panels include: How to Sketching w/ Adam Hughes (conflicting w/) Terra Nova, Community (conflicting w/) Knights of Badassdom (conflicting w/) Digital Disruption (conflicting w/) Creator Owned Comics w/ Robert Kirkman (conflicting w/) DH: Joss Whedon (conflicting w/) Writing Genre Television, The Guild (conflicting w/) Fringe Screening, Alcatraz Screening, Penny Arcade (conflicting w/) Person of Interest and to end the night with confirmed tickets to Nerdist Podcast w/ Matt Smith and Karen Gillian from Doctor Who at 34 and B which is a hike.

Saturday looks to be one of those: Do I want to sit through whatever is after Community to get to The Guild and miss Kirkman, Knights and Whedon. Knights of Badassdom's script was good stuff and after Peter Dinklage stealing Game of Thrones, him, Ryan Kwanten, Danny Pudi and Summer Glau. The Nerdist podcast w/ Smith+Gillian brings up a good question: Do I need to wait in line for Hall H on Sunday?

Sunday's Panels include: What's Hot In Young Adult Fiction (conflicting w/) Wild Cards (conflicting w/) Leviathan (conflicting w/) Nathan Fillion and Castle Panel(conflicting w/) Speculative Fiction (conflicting w/) Doctor Who in Hall H (conflicting w/) Browncoats (conflicting w/) Max Brooks.

Yikes. Nathan Fillion at one end of the Con and Doctor Who at the other end.

Originally published at RKB Writes. You can comment here or there.

sdcc, geekdom, conventions

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