[Plotting About] Beat sheets and Borders…

Feb 16, 2011 22:13

So with Borders filling Chapter 11, someone put together an interactive map of which Borders stores are closing. Looks like the two in Rhode Island are clear of the chopping block. On the other end of the brick and mortar street, the B+N on RTE 2 seemed to be doing a good business the last few weeks and has been touting like clockwork their color Nook with in store demonstrations.

On the writing front, I moved from synopsis to beat sheet and narrowed down a name for the novel. The beat sheet is helping since I'm shuffling things around in the beginning, I think my pace was too much too soon so most of the stuff I've written is being shuffled.

In other news the Providence Writer's Workshop is coming up Feb 26+27 and the Del Rey/Spectra/Suvudu's Editorial Contest ends on March 18.

I don't foresee myself finishing it in time for Del Rey Contest but you never know...

Originally published at RKB Writes. You can comment here or there.

plotting about, new england, writing

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