The with less pads and more eyes...

Jan 27, 2010 22:38

They had me at keyboard stand.

So, let's see if we can connect the dots.

Wi-Fi in 2 months.

Wi-Fi plus 3G sometime after that.

Just in time to be close to WWDC and just in time for Apple to announce iPhones for every carrier so the 3G iPad can be on every phone carrier not just AT&T. It's too bad current iPhone users could just tether it onto their current iPhone Bill and or use their current 3G minutes.

Overall, the prices are good, I think. The high end, untethered iPad is $800 plus. The problems that everyone has already mentioned: No camera. But, let's just assume that will be fixed in a Rev B or C in a year or so. "We listened and we put in a camera and now it's only..." A few reporters have said the games were just scaled up so figure the first gen games won't be so hot (as always) and so second or third gen will get things right.

A TUAW post on the iPad's screen ratio. With no DVD it's either importing them or iTunes. Here's hoping VLC gets an App in there for Doctor Who Eps.

The ibook app is perfect name since it's already trademarked. Sure, the books make be higher prices but if the Amazon Kindle App still works then you've got options.

I'm really glad I held off on buying an eReader. More than a few twitters came out with Funeral RSVPs this afternoon. I can see myself using in NH to read, as much as I enjoy feeling the paper the amount of books I lug around on vacation is a lot.

Hopefully, Scrivner, Storyist or Microsoft is working on getting Apps in place, as much as I enjoy Pages, I don't love Pages. For $10 I can learn to love. It can't multitask so writing and music at the same time is a no go making NaNoWrimo write ins interesting with enough wires to strangle.

But, the really big thing is going to be comic books.

Going to be interesting to see how many tables at SDCC have these iPads out showing off artist's work.

apple, news

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