BSG: The Plan and Tuesdays...

Oct 27, 2009 16:45

Well, if you're a hardcore BSG Fan and or Dean Stockwell fan then The Plan is for you.

If you've never even seen BSG than don't even worry about The Plan.

BSG: The Plan suffers greatly in the fact that, it is a giant clip show of sorts and has a horrible title. The title should have been: Plot threads we could have stuffed into Seasons 1-4 and decided not too, but The Plan is so much simpler in the end.

On the plus side: Destructions of colonies and plot threads from past Seasons are either explained or tied up and even new character or two is introduced.

The major problem I have with it is the fact that Cavil knows about the final five and none of the other Skinjobs seem to know and the way these final five are downloaded into pre-existing bodies of Tighs, Anders, etc is really far fetched (and not even fully explained imho, even after 2 viewings) even for a Universe that has FTL, Cylons and Vipers.

Overall, EJO does a good job directing and the actors do well. Since I bought it thru iTunes can't say much about the commentaries or deleted scenes.
In the end, I'd wait for it on SyFy.

I have gotten NaNoWrimo Stickers for the meet up on Sunday. I have to say after doing this for several years, NaNoWrimo got their act together and hired a good designer for the new stickers.

nanowrimo, bsg

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