Ghost Riders and the Geeks...

Feb 17, 2007 12:32

Oh, lord.

The bad reviews are rolling in over at AICN.

Peter David's review said it wasn't that bad, but, from the sounds of it, we got ourselves a bleeder.

First, you know it'll be bad if the Geeks bitch and moan. Secondly, you know it's bad when one of the reviewer says he will gladly watch Fantastic Four again instead of GR.

(insert bitchy post about PG-13 horror movies here)

And, probably the best line of  the reviews: Hell, I’d settle for a bitter cop that mumbles ”Damned super heroes. Why does it always have to be super heroes?” when investigating yet another incident of flaming initials on the ground.
Paul C and I will probably go see it anyway, I still have a credit for movie passes.

ghost rider

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