hmm great last couple days

Jan 13, 2005 19:08

lets see i went to the dr. on tuesday and was told that my wrist was broken but i don't know how i did it. i think i did it bowling at teh holiday tourney on the 1st and i just go and get it checked out. lol. yesterday we had a position round meet against laporte and we won by total pins. we pretty much clinched 1st place w/ that. then today we had another meet against chesterton and i went 258, 227 and shot 485 which was like second high today i could have gone off adn shot 506 all together and still would have lost to donald who shot 508. we took 18 points today. we have like 104 1/2 and are in first place by a long shot. so its sweet. i miss diana alot and can't wait to see her again but i don't knw when that'll be. all i know is i can't wait to see her. she is the best i love talking to her. miss you babe. well i'm out. ttyl lata
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