Jul 01, 2006 06:26
The main problem with the Gay Anglicanism (note self-important capitals) debate is that no one really cares.
How many of those in the gay community feel a dismay at being barred from priesthood in the Anglican Church?
In some senses, I do not support moves to allow gay priests, simply because these priests simply cannot agree with the Anglican message of faith in textual integrity and Biblican reference for all questions. Any argument for a Christianity which encompasses homosexuality must on some level challenge the focus that Anglicans traditionally place on the written word of the Bible. Whether the beef lies with translation problems or intepretation problems, gay christians (note dropping of capitals) cannot rely on the Bible in the way required of them in Anglicanism.
Yet, on another level, I laud the moves to broaden and diversify the Church: it lessens their power. The splintered Anglican Church cannot continue to pretend to have a united message of faith. The declining numbers of Anglicans, even in the face of rising numbers of Christians in general, is a clear message that strict interpretations of the Bible are no longer en vogue. And thank goodness for that. Any move which splinters the Anglican Church, and bluntens their venom, is a positive move in my eyes, no matter how illogical the rationale behind the tension may be.
Finally, I just have to ask, what self-respecting homosexual man (or woman) sees the Anglican Church as an organisation worth fighting to join? The hatred and loathing that has come from that Church toward gay people internationally is not readily forgotten in my eyes.
Then again, I'm not a Christian - Anglican or otherwise.