
Oct 08, 2006 15:13

This is a fun idea for a community, so I will keep an eye on it from now on. I would have voted on four people prior to submitting this, but two of the apps currently up already have four votes for the same character (so my input seemed unnecessary), and there are only four total unstamped.

Name: this faery
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Nationality: Caucasian

Likes: Intelligence, consideration, art
Dislikes: Bigotry, excessive superficiality
Dreams: To continue living as happily as I am for the rest of my life
Fears: Loss of loved ones, that things I firmly believe in may turn out not to be true

Strengths: The ability to be happy under most circumstances, patience
Weaknesses: Laziness is the root of all my flaws, which is why I'm not giving three negative adjectives
Three positive adjectives: Accepting, kind, intelligent
Three negative adjectives: Lazy
Personality in a word: Hermit
General mood: Happy

Optimist or pessimist? Realist; generally happy, but not illogically optimistic
Impulsive or cautious? Cautious to a point; I have impulsive moments, but they tend to arise in the very face of caution
Mature or immature? Balanced; I believe my character is mature, while my personality is immature (e.g., my immaturity is skin-deep)
Extroverted or introverted? Introverted
Leader or follower? Follower; or, more accurately, loner
Emotional or collected? Collected
Patient or impatient? Patient
Confident or modest? Confident
Low, normal or high energy level? Low to medium
Morning person or cranky when awakened? Not a morning person, but very rarely cranky

Favourite character and why: Saitou; he represents an absolutism I only wish I could achieve in my own morality, he never wavers in his convictions, and he is unswervingly devoted to them and to his cause. Beyond that, he's snarky and incredibly hot.
Least favourite character and why: Kaoru; she's underdeveloped (as a character), and what development she has is trite. Also she gets in the way of crucial scenes and whines.
Favourite pairing and why: Saitou x Sano; they are dynamic and extremely interesting.
Favourite arc and why: Kyoto arc, because it has the most Saitou, the least Kaoru, and the most non-Kenshin-centric drama. Not that I dislike Kenshin, but Jinchuu gets a little Kenshin-intensive for me. The first season is not serious enough and has too much filler.
Favourite song and why: Towa no Mirai... which is not to imply that I'm much of a fan of Ishin Shishi he no Requiem (I'm a canon devotee)... but that song has the most beautiful, emotional dramatic buildup, and I adore the singer's voice.

Picture/s or Description: This is a personality-based rating, isn't it? I don't think pictures are relevant. I suppose I will add that I do always tend to look a bit unusual; I can't stand being bored when I look in the mirror.

Anything else? No.

kenshin, stamped

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