Name: Riley, my friends call me Rin though.
Age: 16.
Gender: Female.
Nationality: I honestly hate to say, i'm American.
Likes: Video games, mainly, and certain japanese animations, i'm not fond of the whole 'anime' thing, but there are a few shows I enjoy, I like kendo a lot, and i'm starting back up with it once I move to Orlando, halloween, music, japanese candies, snow, photoshop, and many, many, other things.
Dislikes: Homophobes, politicians, terrorists, basically any one or any thing that makes this world corrupt these days, also, animal products, foul smells, being ill, and immature people.
Dreams: I'd love to be a hair stylist one day soon, it's an extremely entertaining and creative job, i'm currently looking at schools to apply to.
Fears: In all honesty, I don't have any fears. I don't tend to let emotions like that get in the way of my daily life.
Strengths: Probably the fact that i'm overly mature for my age, though you wouldn't know it at first glance, i'm also extremely honest, almost to a fault. I can manipulate people easily, and i'm sly and creative.
Weaknesses: Most of the time I jump in to things with out thinking, and I find that I can't do some things for myself without having some one else tell me to do them first. My constant sarcasm gets me in to trouble a lot, too. When I don't know some one, I come off as rude and antisocial, which in some cases drives people away from getting to know me better.
Three positive adjectives: Intelligent, creative, idealistic.
Three negative adjectives: Sarcastic, lazy, rude.
Personality in a word: ...
General mood: Calm. I usually just go with the flow, and i'm the kind of person who won't speak unless it's absolutely necessary.
Optimist or pessimist? Optimist, for the most part.
Impulsive or cautious? In some situations I can be really cautious, but most of the time i'm impulsive.
Mature or immature? Mature, most of the time.
Extroverted or introverted? I'd say i'm more towards introverted.
Leader or follower? Follower, being a leader requires too much thought and work.
Emotional or collected? Collected, i've learned to control how I act around people, so no one has really ever seen the 'emotional' side of me yet.
Patient or impatient? Considering I played a one hour chess match just the other day, I think that counts for patience on ALL accounts.
Confident or modest? I'm confident in myself, but I don't go around saying 'Oh, I love myself!' or 'I r00l.' I keep those kinds of thoughts in my head, where they belong.
Low, normal or high energy level? A couple years ago I would have definitely said high, but over the past few years i've been about normal, though I sleep a lot more than I used to.
Morning person or cranky when awakened? I hate the morning, but I deal and don't get cranky.
Favorite character and why: Kenshin, from what i've seen of the show he's very calm and collected, and he's also strong, which is always awesome.
Least favorite character and why:
Favorite pairing and why:
Favorite arc and why:
Favorite song and why:
Anything else? Urghh, I can't really answer any of the above questions as accurately as I would like to, mainly because I have only seen a few episodes and read a little bit of the manga D: I apologize!