Mod Notice: Prompts

Dec 15, 2007 20:20

It's great to some life in this community, ^.^ and in celebration of this fact I am introducing a new element to Rk Fiction.

Its official name is a "Prompt". I'm calling it a prompt because it is not necessarily a challenge. These prompts are, in theory, to help give you something to write about. There will be no first or second place and no prize. These are meant to help you become better acquainted with the setting and characters of Rurouni Kenshin. For example, a prompt could be simply a word or it may end up being a 'What if...' statement.

The first prompt that I would like to put forth is fairly simple.

Give Yahiko a digital camera

Some things to think about when writing: What or who would Yahiko take pictures of? Would Yahiko have seen a digital camera before? How would he react to it? Would he smash it or would he horde it?

Try to have fun with this trail run of ‘Prompts’. If this idea works then I’ll explain more about what I think they can become. If you have any questions or suggestions please leave a comment.

And yes, if only one person does it, I’ll keep it going anyway. One person is better then none. ^.^

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