It has been some time since I've updated here and, of course, it's to link to things that I have done elsewhere.
On the Wasted Words front-
Show 49 featured special guest
lord-whimsy. We all talked about insults of old, how folks absorb music and the gangs of New York.
HERE IT IS The new one, NUMBER 50 (!), was just finished last evening. Philadelphia magazine's Victor Fiorillo stopped by to discuss his Oscar's Tavern/Maker's Mark story and Deke Zibinski came around for another informative "Ask the Bartender" segment.
On the twitter, I have been contributing to the
Fake AP Stylebook feed, which has "blown up," as the kids say, over the last couple of weeks.
Right now, while working, I am listening to the CBC
WireTap show/podcast (showcast?) which is really rather very funny.
So- how's by you?