
May 28, 2017 10:00

I think I might be Bi-Polar. I remember once a long time ago thinking that I might be and doing my research to find out for sure. I became sad and afraid that I might be so it put me off and I never looked into it again.

A few days ago, a new facebook friend that I added awhile ago but never saw her posts, made a new post. It was about her absence and the reason for it. As you might have guessed, she came out and announced she was bi-polar. I don't really know her but I was moved and wanted to ask her some questions about it. Since I didn't know her at all, I decided that having our first conversation together be bi-polar that it wouldn't be a good idea. I instead spend that time looking up bi-polar and ways to tell if you have it.

I think this is the first time ever that other people who I've never met and certainly never heard speak, say things that were almost if not exactly, word for word things I've said to myself about myself. It was today that I listened to people on Youtube do just that again.

This convinces me that I am bi-polar and that explains so much about my frustration with my depression. It also explains why sometimes I don't feel depressed at all and lead me to doubts that I was even a depressed person.

Anyway, I think coming back here and making posts when I am bursting with thoughts might help. I tried writing about how I feel and whats going on at facebook and the silence is deafening. I either have shitty "friends" or people just don't see the post, or people just don't care at all. Out of curiosity I looked at how many friends I had. It was realllllly low. I looked up people in my list and noticed a lot of people missing. I was told almost a year ago that my posts about my depression where why people stopped liking or commenting on posts.

It's so bad now that I get no attention at all. No engagement at all. It's pretty much over at this point and I'm not going to make any posts on facebook for the foreseeable future. The only posts I will make are art and shares.

I'll be doing all my dumps on here for now on. It'll be the same as if I were posting it on facebook. No one sees it. No one cares. The benefit I get from posting here is that I don't piss anyone off there and I feel like I've gotten it out.
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