Jan 05, 2009 20:13
Just started this lark as i wanted somewhere to write a few thoughts-dont care much who reads them just thougt it would be sorta cathartic.
Doctors tomorrow to get results of liver ultrasound-he will most likely tell me to change my diet so I had a fry up tonight and am gonna have a few cans. Get it in while I can. Thought I might use this to keep track of any weight loss, im starting at 17stone 1 lb. I kinda hope that doc Bashir ( no relation) will give me a good medical reason to lose weight as i cant seem to motivate myself to do it for any other kinda reason.
Played DnD last night with the lads and Suse. Didnt die, had fun then home to wifey and daughter.
Work today-Its my job to pay Housing and council tax benefit to the unwashed and unworking masses. It gets a bit anoying paying to HB anc CTB to single parents who have in income greater than mine. A woman and her 3 kids today had a NET income (after getting awarded £120 a week HB) of 40k-dosent seem right somehow.