I never pictured myself being a gym girl. I don't know why not, it just never seemed very Rebecca-like. I'm proud to say that since the beginning of this month I've been going 4 times/week! I should be there now (currently going Sun/Mon/Wed/Fri) but Jake invited his parents over for dinner. Originally dinner was planned for 6pm (the time I usually arrive at the gym) so I came home planning to go later. I come home to find that my darling husband is just starting dinner rather than nearly serving it! Ugh. I'll survive, but I really wanted to go tonight instead of tomorrow. We'll see. Yesterday I added my first weight training exercises to my routine. I do my cardio on an arc trainer - best machine EVER! It rocks my world. :) Jake found this cool website
Free Trainers. I signed up and yesterday worked on my back/shoulders. Next will be biceps/triceps which I need badly! My arms are shrinking, but they need to get whipped into shape ASAP!
I'm trying to decide if I can talk Jake into a cat or dog. If we get a pup we'll need to finish fencing the yard. And he's really not into cats. :( I like dogs fine, but I love kitties. He's afraid that our house will smell bad. I told him that as long as we clean it regularly it's no big deal. Silly boy!
The in-laws are here, so I'm off to entertain!