quattro pro

Apr 02, 2011 09:20

Miles hit four months old yesterday.

It's hard to believe it's gone that fast. Seems like not all that long ago we were a family of three and settling into our groove. I suppose this feeling is helped along by my having forgotten everything about taking care of an infant in the last three years. And now here he is holding his head up by himself and starting to babble.

At the same time, I don't remember what it's like to have just one kid anymore. This is a phenomenon I noticed with Avery too; she grew up like lightning but I couldn't remember life without her. It must be something in how our brains are wired, that we feel like our kids are permanent parts of ourselves right away so we don't resent being woken up every two hours as much. Either that or it's short-term memory loss from all those Mountain Dews as a kid.

I took Miles to the doctor yesterday morning for his checkup. Kid's getting big -- 14.2 pounds and 24.5 inches long. It seems like he's huge, but the chart the pediatrician gave me says he's just under 50th percentile. Plus, when I go back and check, Avery was actually bigger. He got two shots, but he handled them like a champ, only crying for about 20 seconds and then cooling right off.

Really, that's the recent trend with this boy. Nothing rattles him for long. I set him down and he fusses for a second, but then realizes there's cool stuff to look at. He wakes up hungry in the night, eats, and then falls right back to sleep. If you have a choice, I highly recommend having the more demanding child first and the easy-going one second.

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