Woo Woo!

Jul 19, 2004 04:08

I got this name for all my rjaholic friends and to make a long entry soon about my mission trip. I need to talk about that somewhere soon. (before I forget something I want to say about it) I have another journal online but I kinda let it go to nothing much, and when I do update it the entries are aimed at 2 people. My friend from MN, and my online friend thats 16. So I decided to make a journal entry about random stuff in my life. Gotta have more than one journal I say. I have like 3 online.. lol! I am addicted to making up new screennames. There is a story behind RJmademeSneeze.. I told Angie. Its dorky but hey its a memory of mine! I don't want to go into it right now.. its way to dorky to put in my first entry on here. I am also addicted to roleplaying journals. I am in two communties and I do a private roleplay also. Gives me something to pass the time when I am online. I guess it lets me forget about things in my life for a short period of time.

So what else do I have to say at 4 something in the morning? I am tired and about to go pass out in bed. I was suppose to be in bed like 2 hours ago. I even made a away message on AIM saying I was going to sleep. Did I though? No. I talked to my brother then my mom, and then came back in here. So much for going to bed. I am running out of things to use to ramble about. I think this is it for the night.

God Bless,
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