A thirty-swine body of delegates was sent to the mainland, this week (03:28:05), by the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT). This spineless gaggle of whorespawn waddled into Rei-ping Ziyou Airport on their knees to the rows of awaiting penises hanging from the trousers of the CCP.
The orgy of shameless tears and missile-point fellatio is, of course, being heralded by Beijing's
Ministry of Truth as "thoroughly satisfying" and "even better than turning your own mother in to the authorities on charges of sedition."
Now, as far as I know, this has been reported on in other media sources which covered the protest, Saturday. Of course, the coverage wasn't as widespread, or in depth. Here are a few relevant links. ...
New York Times ,
Taipei Times .
Remember, The KMT fled the Communists back in 1949. Fought and then lost. Lost big. Even had the backing of the United States. Those dumb bastards were fully equipped with military hardware and they used it for show and then they turned tail and ran after one repeated ass-kicking after another.
And now those inept cowards are back in Beijing.
A lot of President Chen's detractors call him out on having flip-flopped on some issues. This is a favorite refrain of the KMT, in fact. And now, look at this.
Of course, they went to Beijing without consulting the government, which is to say the DPP. So really, any agreement those backstabbing sons of bitches manage to nod their vacant and expressionless faces to will be null and void until put to a vote of some kind.
Those rat bastards. And the agreements they're working on? Take a look at the ten point summary
here .
Details on the visit have been scant, so far. The coverage in the local media is focused on responses from various offices and local officials and representatives. Rest assured, however, that when all is said and done, the KMT will have done its utmost to serve the ends of the KMT.
Lien-Chan has agreed to visit Beijing sometime after some administrative hassles are taken care of within the party after the middle of July. The only good which will come from this is that the front pages of the newspapers here will be plastered with pictures of the man smacking his lips next to a grinning, rosy cheeked, Hu Jintao.