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Blow the dust of that memory. aum October 5 2005, 18:52:56 UTC
You're close... there was going to be four people that worked on this. In reality, you and I ended up the only two. This was a group assignment. My group consisted of Ryan R., Matt Z., Renee R., and myself.

The four of us spent the week fucking around, smoking pot and doing whatever horseshit we did back then. When the final night before the play was to take place, I found that the other three we’re “busy” and asked me to whip something up real quick. They would go along with whatever I came up with. I was so pissed that I got dumped with all the work that I called you up to vent. You offered your help with the writing and I accepted.

Once you were over at the house, we put on some KMFDM and you asked me how I wanted to approach the story. I told you that I wanted to make it as stupid and as in poor taste as we could get away with. With my past track record in her class, I figured that we really pretty much did a tame job with it. Guess I was wrong about that.

Come the next morning, I showed the script to the other three. Ryan R. loved the fact that he really didn’t have any lines other than barking; Renee wanted nothing to do with it and she backed out; Matt insisted that he wanted to play the girl is Renee wouldn’t do it. You filled in the extra slot. You had asked your teacher to be excused from your morning class to watch the play. Once you found out there was an extra spot, you jumped in to help.

At least that’s how I remember it.


Re: Blow the dust of that memory. rjhudson October 6 2005, 14:34:34 UTC
Okay, then how did Pat Doyle get involved? Because he was Pierre.


Re: Blow the dust of that memory. aum October 6 2005, 16:01:55 UTC
I believe that he offered to help after reading the script. Something to the extent of, "this is too good to NOT take part in! What can I do?"


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