This man is dancing. I couldn't tell you what his sign says. I saw many of those signs, so I doubt it says anything particularly amusing. His dancing was very slow, and fluid, and precise. He smiled throughout. He was very good at whatever style of dancing it was he was dancing, and he knew it. I thought his costume was pretty cool, too. I thought it might be winterwear or mountain climbing attire for the Taiwanese, but Cindy wasn't to sure. Truthfully, I'd like to see more of this as anti-China, Pro-Taiwan demonstrations. I mean, burning Hu Jintao in effigy is cool. Showing the mangled faces of political prisoners is also alright with me. But it shouldn't ever be enough to define your position in terms wholly opposite of your opponents. Meaning, you need to focus on what your side has going for it apart from defining it in oppositional terms. Taiwanese Aboriginal Groups have more of this going on than other green and independent and so on groups in Taiwan.