Oct 19, 2005 12:31
*so as some/all of you know I'm working at Creepers haunted house and I'm the water scare...which means I sit ass deep in cold water for hours with a full face of latex and airbrush waiting for the proper time to jump onto the boat and come out from under the seats of patrons. Well 2 nights ago as I was waiting next to the boat so i could swim along next to it there's a loud CRRRACK! followed by an even louder BOOOOM! and then running water. Well it turns out that the wall exploded due to excessive pressure and all the water was rushing out the hole. I was getting pulled out as well and the boat was sinking. So I had to climb up the boat and take a group through a boo hole so they didnt miss the entire house. Though scary (unintentionally) no one got hurt and it wasnt even that dramatic. They took me to a wall scare and stuck me under a counter in the other house and when I group came by I just slammed the counter top up and down. After we closed I had like a shitload (meaning over 10) of people run up to me and say "OMG! I thought you got sucked out!!"/"We heard the boat CRUSHED you!". Hugs from people i dont know or even really want touching me ever ensued. The wall exploded and it caused a lot of people to want to touch me. The end.
Oh and the count of people falling into the water/jumping in out of fright is now 20. Haha. way to go suckers.